Friday, October 07, 2005

you disgrace me, you disgrace yourself

how many times a day do we judge other people?
i usually do, and i'm not proud of it.
i don't have any excuse, and i think, nobody has a good excuse for such a thing.
we know its not a good thing to do, but we still do, unconciously or not.

we are all guilty of discriminating each other.
it happens all over the world.
we don't treat each other with respect.
that is why there is so much hate, there is so much anger.

if we just take a little time from our lives, and also care about other people.
maybe there is a little hope to end discrimination.

if we can only think about every action we take, and how it can affect not only our lives,
but of others too. then maybe, we could not worry about what kind of world the next generation will inherit from us.

and it doesn't surprise me, how just a little act of kindness could make such big difference.
because our hearts never forget.

watch Crash. you'll understand, why suddenly i wrote all of these.

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