Friday, October 28, 2005


I am fooling myself. I am cheating on my diet. I had eaten ice cream tonight. It was so good, I am not even guilty of having one. One of the best ice cream I've had in my 20+ years.
I'm sorry Kaye, but I had to have those. So no more claiming, Im on a diet. But I'll still continue to not eat carbs.

I've been busy doing my cousin's invites and souvenirs for her Christening. Tita has been worried I've done so much work and it might be tiring me, I said worry not, because I'm enjoying it.

I think this is a dream for semi-OC's like me. I made labels, I had to cut ribbons, the translucent paper, the works, had to make sure everything was not wrinkled, the works. And it has been like cooking for me..that fulfilling. I may sound crazy but, I did have fun.

I also painted for the souvenirs, we're giving boxes for the Godparents, and a pink paper-mache t-shirt for the other guests. I'll post pictures after its all done.

Was telling Jog, I think I've put so much in this project, I might not have anymore for the future use. hehehe

So that's how this week is going, I'm enjoying it, but the downside of this is, I haven't been able to read. *sigh*

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