Friday, November 25, 2005


the truth is

I've been putting off updating this because my mind has been restless. I think about our soon departure, and all the things I need to do, the pasalubongs, and just going away from the place I've considered home for the past five months.

I can't wait to go home, but I can't help but be sad about leaving too.
And I guess going back to Manila means going back to the real world. Where I need to get a job and start taking up more responsibilities.

I'll miss all the TV shows I get to watch here. I'll miss watching Oprah at 4 p.m., getting tips from Martha, the Food network! ayayay


A couple of years back, we we're here for thanksgiving too, but our family never really experienced the Traditional one. So this is my first time. I'm pretty excited to see how the turkey will be prepared, and just cooking everything we don't usually have in Manila.

And of course, the after thanksgiving sale!

Most of the stores are open at 5 a.m. Target even has a registry for a wake up call! And I'm excited to get the best deals.

Happy thanksgiving y'all!

and i better start packing!

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