Tuesday, December 13, 2005
good company
I'm blessed to have found them in a time when everything was changing. When every one else were moving some place else, when everybody seemed like strangers.
These are the ones who are happiest when you are happy, who calls to check up on you, or when you least expect it at a time when you badly need to talk to someone. These are the kind of friends who would fight the urge to say I told you so, because they don't want to rub it on your face anymore.These are the people who would try to get along with your partner because they know it's important to you. These people would be there on occasions that are special, because you are special to them.
For the past 6 years I've been friends with these girls, we've never lost that connection. We are all changing, everyone is working except for Nina and me, Vanessa's got a baby and is married, Jen have gone from long hair to short hair, then back to long again, except for Joy, who is still single. hehe
We we're all gigling during Ninna's Christening, coz we never imagined being like this when we we're in highschool. As Joy puts it, Parang laro lang to.
We are getting older....seems like it.
and now we all are officially Mares
Thursday, December 08, 2005
what i've missed
I'm trying to enjoy just being home again, not forgetting about finding a job. I'm also "busy" planning Porli's debut.yey! so, there, but I miss my wi-fi connection.
So the things/people/food/places that I've missed, I went/saw/ate them in the past week.
I went to Makati again after what seems like forever.*check*
Jog, my sister and I saw Harry Potter 4 *check* last friday, It was not a disappointment for me. Finally, a justice for a good book. Coz finally I've realized why Harry Potter movies are sometimes what we've not read in the book, or how sometimes we feel like something's missing. It's because, I think, the people who made HP the movie, still wants the non-readers to understand the movie even if they have not read the book. So, let's give them a break. But I think the casting directors are the ones who have a problem. Because Cho Chang's not as pretty as the book described her, so is Fleur. But Hermione was breath taking.
Last friday also saw some of our good friends, Mira, Bot and Don. We we're like 5 hours late bec of Harry Potter. Sorry Adine!

moi, mira, bot and don's cellphone

our (mira,adine and I) boys
It was my first night out, after so many months. Was not used to vodka sprite anymore.hehe
This week will be busy with taking out balikbayan friends, attend Ninna's Christening, and planning of Porli's debut.
Friday, December 02, 2005
home and incoherent
I didn't start unpacking until today,because some of my things we're on Tita's luggage.
Jog dropped by in the afternoon. He brought me lunch, Chicken Joy! hahaha! I was getting a little sleepy by 2 p.m. But I had to fight the urge, or else I would be up all night. So I finally had my first taste of Pinoy Big Brother, my mom, jog and my sister were all updating and explaining the rules. It's good.
I forgot to bring home the power supply of the laptop! hay! I keep on forgetting something when I travel! Much more to learn!
I wake up early now. Since yesterday, early than I used to. I'm like, let me sleep!!!
A lot of things have been different in our house. I need a little getting used to pa..But I missed my family a lot.Specially our family dinners and when we dine out. So I'm just so happy to be home. To sleep in my own bed, and have late night chikahan with my sister.
Speaking of my sister, I'm dumbfounded by her iPod. First, I bought her the wrong case, it was for the mini iPod pala. She left it the day I got home,for me to try it. And I was like, how do you look or the other songs? My mom and dad doesn't know either, so I had to ask my little brother minute after minute! so I gave up, and just waited for Porli to come home. I could not believe that small could store up so much songs, the playlist makes up my whole history!
Everyone's asking me about my plan. I don't have any. Just wanna get a job, and be able to pay my smart subscription. I'm just glad to be home. Plans will be made next year na lang.hehe I don't wanna pressure myself muna until I get my body clock back to normal.
Next week, I'll be seeing my college friends, attend Nynna's Christening and see my highschool friends. Hopefully.
I saw na pala my feature in Candy, i got kilig.
So there, I'm finally home.
Sunday, November 27, 2005
all my bags are packed

all my bags are packed...hehehe who am i kidding? I'm so stressed! I'm not finished packing, all my books are here, the other clothes i bought for my family. Hay! Stress!!!!!
see here...

I'll spread my wings
and I'll learn how to fly
I'll do what it takes
til' I touch the sky
I'll make a wish
Take a chance
Make a change
And breakaway
Out of the darkness and into the sun
But I won't forget all the ones that I loved
I'll take a risk
Take a chance
Make a change
And breakaway
When I first came here, that was the song that I kept hearing from the radio. I kept hearing that song, and although I liked it the first time, I never really paid attention to what it meant.
It's only now that it hit me...
I am beginning a new chapter of my life...Something I am not sure of...But I know I'll be just fine...
please pray for our safety..we'll be flying tonight...
Friday, November 25, 2005

on our way to Pacific Commons

I need to check if the cap goes with my outfit (hehe) It was raining kasi.
I haven't started to pack.. although I think I'm done with the shopping except for my Dad's shoes, and some Bertie Botts.
I'm kinda sad to be leaving, I almost cried when after Ate Cat and Kuya Jeng dropped me off.
I got a copy of A Million Little Pieces, and the Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants for of course a bargain!
I'm stressed about packing!!!
I've been putting off updating this because my mind has been restless. I think about our soon departure, and all the things I need to do, the pasalubongs, and just going away from the place I've considered home for the past five months.
I can't wait to go home, but I can't help but be sad about leaving too.
And I guess going back to Manila means going back to the real world. Where I need to get a job and start taking up more responsibilities.
I'll miss all the TV shows I get to watch here. I'll miss watching Oprah at 4 p.m., getting tips from Martha, the Food network! ayayay
A couple of years back, we we're here for thanksgiving too, but our family never really experienced the Traditional one. So this is my first time. I'm pretty excited to see how the turkey will be prepared, and just cooking everything we don't usually have in Manila.
And of course, the after thanksgiving sale!
Most of the stores are open at 5 a.m. Target even has a registry for a wake up call! And I'm excited to get the best deals.
Happy thanksgiving y'all!
and i better start packing!
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
shopping is the best cure
Just when you thought you need more time to heal..
Just when you just said in my own time...
It just happens...
while you're doing what you love to do...shopping!
I always knew shopping makes me happy,it gives me a sense of control.
But I never thought it could bring out the best in me.
It gave me back my innate affection and care for the people who matter...both past and present.
a new template
I've been wanting a new template for the longest time. And finally, decided on one and made little changes. It's nice to end this year with a clean slate. Free at last.
APO Hiking Society
On our way to Oakland last night, APO's cd was playing. I never really paid attention to it before but in that one hour drive, I realized APO was part of my lovelife soundtrack. Their songs are classics. It makes you so proud to be pinoy.
Laguna Beach
It was the last season for the guys of Laguna, I loved that show. In my first week here, it was all that I watched. The re-runs of it's first season. And every monday night, I would watch it and still catch the replay the next day, and then on Sundays too.
I like Talan. With the girls I liked the two Alex, and before I liked LC bec i felt bad for her, then there are times I like Kristen, but I never liked Jessica.
Josh Duhamel
Need i say more? I was watching Martha and he was the guest. But he's taken. His gf is the girl from black eyed peas. (i'm not sure abt her name)
Friday, November 11, 2005
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
So before the highlights of my day would be watching Martha Stewart, Oprah, sometimes Extra and Entertainment Tonight, Sex and the City, CSI, Laguna Beach and Gilmore Girls. But since monday, I have given up Martha Stewart for Tristan.
I know it's just starting tomorrow, but I am very excited. You can call me baduy and all, but I'm really gonna be a devotee to Panday. And you should hear my cousin Nate say Panday with an accent!
And I'm having LSS on the theme song! hahaha! I'm gonna look for the lyrics..
Next week will be season finale of Laguna Beach. I'm happy I will be able to watch the finale, but at the same time I feel bad about it ending so soon. I was kinda hoping it would end before I leave, but next week is too soon. *sigh*
I wish I could still watch this much TV when I get back.
Doctor Love
Lately, I have been the confidante of my friends with matters of the heart. I am not complaining, but I think I should start charging for session fees. hehehe
I don't mind listening to their stories, to their complains and their worries. What I love about this, is the exchange of thoughts and experiences. I like how it makes you think about your relationship as well. It also makes you thankful of all the experiences you had and the choices that you have made.
Today nga pala, I was able to catch Pharell perform on TRL. Kanye was also there, and so was Usher! Glad I woke up early.
Monday, November 07, 2005
I already organized my file folders.
I listed things to do before we leave
I listed things to do when I get back home
I listed things I want to buy, things i want to buy when i have work, gadgets i want to have, and everything that i could thing of writing down.
so i googled..here's what i've found..
Google Image Result for KAYE

for jog..

this one is for boredom

Tuesday, November 01, 2005
Everybody who knows me, knows that I LOVE magazines! My earliest collection were Teen Beat and BOP! hahaha I don't see those anymore! You would see my room plastered with Brad Renfro's Posters, Jonathan Jackson posters in my cabinet, and all the teeny boppers you could imagine! (no offense)
I could say I got a little mature when I got hold of my first YM magazine and Seventeen. For a time, I preferred YM over Seventeen. From 1997-1999 I was buying every issue. Every month I was spending almost 200 hundred pesos for just that. When we went to the US, I bought every single teen mag I could. I remembered I bought one YM, one Teen Magazine and Two Teen People. You could imagine all the money (my parents) I disbursed in buying those "imported" mags. I only stopped when Candy came out, then finally Seventeen Philippines.
My mom even got me a subscription to Seventeen and Candy since I was buying every month, and it was more practical and a little less cheaper to have subscribed.
I eventually had to give up Candy coz I couldn't anymore relate to some of their articles. But then, I liked one issue, then got hooked and bought it every month again.
And I have this obsession of making sure it doesn't get any creases. That's why if you see my stock of magazines, you will still see it in very good condition. Everyone who borrows my magazines knows that rule, to be careful in flipping the pages.
My dad's been bugging me to get rid of all the other magazines. But I can't part ways with them. Not my magazines.
So anyone with all this obsession would be the happiest if one of her favorite magazines features her as their Blogger of the Month!

So please share my joy and get a copy!
I almost forgot, thanks to Huael who left a message in the tag board.
The only thing that is not nice about this experience is I couldn't get a copy myself. I couldn't experience the thrill of going to the store and look for the magazine, open it, and find the page where this blog is featured. But I'm coming home before this month ends, so I hope I could still do that.
Anyways, it's not like an article I made was published.
But hey, I think it could be considered something like that. And this is my moment! hahaha
So get yourself a copy, and could you tell me which entry did they include.
Thanks Chinggay!
Saturday, October 29, 2005
I have a few weeks left. I am going back home. And it's been a great experience.
I have realized my potentials, my limits, and my goals. Although not so clear with my goals yet, but I'm there.
There we're emotional baggages that I finally unpacked. It was a journey not everybody was given the chance to take. I'm going home with a few important lessons learned.
I learned that there is no place like home. That in as much as I always say I'm independent, well, I had no idea!
I learned that the friends you have in the ups and downs, no matter how busy and distant you are, will make their presence felt in every little way they can. And how much important to have these people to have specially when you are miles apart.
I learned that everything is a choice. Nobody expects you to always make the right ones, but I think you owe it to yourself to make your choice the right one for you.
I learned to appreciate. Not only what I have, but what those have given me. What those have made me.
I learned that not only does distance makes the heart grow fonder, but it also makes it stronger, more patient and more kind.
I learned how sometimes a simple remark can be so meaningful it changes everything you thought you've already decided on.
I learned that that although there is still so much for me to learn, to experience, I believe I've grown up. I may still like reading Seventeen and will miss watching Laguna Beach, but I have come of age. But I hope MTV Pinas will have Laguna Beach.
I learned that what I really like and love doing is there all along, I just didn't recognize it then.
I learned to look at the other side. There are two-sides in every story.
I learned why the tenth commmandment is You shall not covet your neighbor's house, nor his wife, his man-servant, his maid-servant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor anything that is your neighbor's.
I learned that there is a reason for everything, and life has its own way of putting back things in its proper places.
And with that, I think this year is the end of the beginning.
Friday, October 28, 2005
I am fooling myself. I am cheating on my diet. I had eaten ice cream tonight. It was so good, I am not even guilty of having one. One of the best ice cream I've had in my 20+ years.
I'm sorry Kaye, but I had to have those. So no more claiming, Im on a diet. But I'll still continue to not eat carbs.
I've been busy doing my cousin's invites and souvenirs for her Christening. Tita has been worried I've done so much work and it might be tiring me, I said worry not, because I'm enjoying it.
I think this is a dream for semi-OC's like me. I made labels, I had to cut ribbons, the translucent paper, the works, had to make sure everything was not wrinkled, the works. And it has been like cooking for me..that fulfilling. I may sound crazy but, I did have fun.
I also painted for the souvenirs, we're giving boxes for the Godparents, and a pink paper-mache t-shirt for the other guests. I'll post pictures after its all done.
Was telling Jog, I think I've put so much in this project, I might not have anymore for the future use. hehehe
So that's how this week is going, I'm enjoying it, but the downside of this is, I haven't been able to read. *sigh*
Thursday, October 27, 2005
It was my first time to see a donkey, a sheep, and a yak!

Sunday, October 23, 2005
I don't know why.
Excuse me, but I think I owe it to myself to be HONEST.
To recognize how I really feel and not how I suppose to feel.
I wanna be free from this consuming feeling.
I wanna be who I am.
It's hard to let go.
It's hard to mean it when you say, "It's ok".
I'm trying, really I am.
I guess I'm just not that mabait.
Saturday, October 22, 2005
I was about to write something,stopped myself from doing so.
Anyway, this week has been devoted to shopping and eating less.
Went shopping last tuesday for pasalubongs and some personal must haves.
I went home with a lotta stuff and maybe 60$ poorer.
I'm really excited to go home, but at the same time, couldn't help but think about
the possibility of living here. Well I guess that was the purpose of my being here in
the first place. To consider a lot about my future, to start thinking about it.
And I guess, I will decide on that soon.
I put myself on a diet, again!
I just can't believe how much weight I gained, so I needed to start now. It's my 6th day today,
and so far, I have managed to stick to it, and I've been stricter. I never thought I could be like
that to myself.
I have also been watching too much SATC, i missed it, but this week has been an overload!
My sister's the happiest these days, because she got what she wanted. Actually, more than what she wanted...
a Nano iPod. and i can't wait to borrow it! hahaha
so, that's all for me.
have a good weekend everyone!
Sunday, October 16, 2005
finished the book. i hope it becomes a movie! and to everyone who likes reading chick lit, to those who haven't read this, this is a must-read!
it's funny and honest. female readers could easily relate to the book. and how men should watch out!hahaha
In her Shoes: second hand: $4 :very good condition >>haha! im not selling one, but that's what i got today over at Walnut Creek's Bonanza St. Books.
I was originally looking for Oprah's new recommendation, A Million Little Pieces, because i read the excerpts from oprah.com and it was good. i think it's a hard-to-put-down-book. But i couldn't find one, and my feet led me to the used books section, the paperbacks, and i couldn't believe there was the book, on the top shelf for half the original price, and in very good condition.
and i can't wait to start reading the book.so bye!
Saturday, October 15, 2005
i started cooking when i was in highschool. i liked it, but i also needed to do it. since we decided not to get any "help" anymore since we 3 children, all went to school all day, and since we don't have a big house, we could just all pitch in to do the other chores.
so anyway, i did enjoy,making our everyday family dinners. i sucked at it at first of course, but through the course of time and with a lot of watching of cooking shows, i think i've improved.
when we we're in 4th year highschool, being in an all-girls school, we had T.H.E. (Techonology and Home Economics), and for the first part of the year, we we're thought of cooking, making preserves, making itlog na pula and all. but i always looked forward to the second part of the term, where i knew we would be baking.
we didn't have an oven at that time, so i couldnt make all what we learned at home. but it was enough for me to learn, and take note of what should be done or not. what makes a cookie tough, and what makes the pie crust crispy.
it was just recently my mom bought an oven, after all theses years i've been bugging her to get me one. (see, that's because we have a tiny house)
so to test drive (is that the correct term?) the new oven. i was excited to make cookies. i baked my first chocolate chip cookies. and it was a success! i was telling jog today, how stupid i was not to take pictures of all the goodies i baked! like my first chocolate cake, my blueberry cheesecake, my oatmeal cookies, and just recently here, my banana bread, and sugar cookies. so from now on, i should take pictures, since, i'm always trying on new recipes, so everytime, its my first.
so why all these? it's just now that i've realized, that aside from enjoying just watching cooking shows, i really really love to cook and bake. it gives me peace of mind, comfort and sort of control. i know, it may sound so silly, and weird for some, but i guess, when you do something that you really like, and you enjoy doing, it will always give you the feeling of what i have just described.(i don't know how to call it)
initially, i wanted to call this entry "too early to call it "passion" but then, i've just remembered Oprah saying "Your true passion should feel like breathing...its that natural". So i guess, i've found one of my passions.
Friday, October 14, 2005
i don't know if i should consider myself OC, because if you see our room ( i share it with my sister), it's not squeky clean, and unorganized. but when it ocmes to my magazines, notebooks, books, it should not have any creases or i cannot sleep thinking why i let it happen.
i also keep a list on everything. things i need to buy, things i like to buy, things i should have, books i have, books i've read,shoes i have,life goals, and the list go on.
last night, i had this bad dream about my shoes, shoes i left home. one of my favorite shoes was torn and can never be worn daw. it was a nightmare! so the next day, i emailed my sister to check, and if she could put it in my cabinet, cause i remember i did not put them in their boxes. so i hope my shoes are doin fine.
i make my own bookmark. i usally make them out of my magazine subscription card, and i don't make the usual size. i usually like it rectangular shape.
i go all the trouble to do all these things, i know!
but as simple as it all may sound, whenever i am able to do these, it makes me happy.
Friday, October 07, 2005
how many times a day do we judge other people?
i usually do, and i'm not proud of it.
i don't have any excuse, and i think, nobody has a good excuse for such a thing.
we know its not a good thing to do, but we still do, unconciously or not.
we are all guilty of discriminating each other.
it happens all over the world.
we don't treat each other with respect.
that is why there is so much hate, there is so much anger.
if we just take a little time from our lives, and also care about other people.
maybe there is a little hope to end discrimination.
if we can only think about every action we take, and how it can affect not only our lives,
but of others too. then maybe, we could not worry about what kind of world the next generation will inherit from us.
and it doesn't surprise me, how just a little act of kindness could make such big difference.
because our hearts never forget.
watch Crash. you'll understand, why suddenly i wrote all of these.
Saturday, October 01, 2005
three names you go by:
1. k9
2. kenan
3. kathleen
three screen names you have had:
1. stylechild
2. imogen
3. crazybeautiful
three parts of your heritage:
1. filipino
2. chinese
3. yun lang ata
three things that scare you:
1. muscles
2. daga
3. natural calamities
three of your everyday essentials:
2. water
3. cellphone
three of your favorite musical artists:
1. eraserheads
2. alanis morisette
3. usher
your favorite songs
1. she will be loved
2. let's stay together
3. kiss from a rose
4. ang huling el bimbo
5. barely breathing
three things you want in a relationship:
1. security
2. respect
3. trust
three lies and one truth in no particular order:
1. i don't find kevin federline cute
2. i love kris aquino
3. i love avocado
4. i'm a good singer
three physical things about the opposite sex that appeals to you:
1. legs
2. neck
3. nunal
Thursday, September 22, 2005
i'm such a weirdo.
i'm not sure if i have written this before, but SHE WILL BE LOVED makes me cry.sobra.
i'm usually teary eyed first stanza pa lang.
i know. crazy.
then there was, the south border song..ano nga ba yun?
Wherever you are. hay naku! especially when i watched their video, lalo ako naiyak.
i'm laughing while i'm writing this,kasi naman,kaloka.
before it was butterfly kisses.
what's weird is, i can't explain and find any reason why i cry with these songs.
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
i just love how they smell!
yesterday, at 10:20pm my Tita Mona gave birth to a cute and BIG princess

Zoe Katriel. BIG, cause she weighed 8 lbs and 20 inches. I am so excited, but was too afraid to carry her. I know how fragile babies are, and im not so used to carrying new born babies. But they said i had to "practice". well, i gave it a shot, and it was a whoa moment! I could smell her and she is just so cute with siopao cheeks! I didnt want to put her down anymore.
I sent my parents the pictures, Tito Randy emailed friends and relatives, and I'm sure everyone from Manila wants to see our new princess.
Nate was actually cool. We expected he would want to get the attention, but he kissed and talked to Zoe. When she cried, he said "whats the matter baby girl?". And then he said, "babies don't talk" hahaha! i know, he's just so adorable.

My Tita had a hard time during labor, and Tito Randy told me " Ngayon naiintindihan ko na may karapatan talagang magalit ng husto ang mga nanay pag lapastangan ang anak nila...sa hirap ng pangangak.."
But for now, i guess we all just have to enjoy the smell, the joys and pains of having a baby in the house.
Monday, September 19, 2005
just finished watching the emmy's.
i'm happy that felicity huffman won for best actress in a comedy series. and her speech was just awwww. you could see how proud in her husband was while she was giving her acceptance speech.
Eva Longoria was stunning. She looks like a barbie.

lost won, and everybody loves raymond!! just right after tony shalhoub teased ray romano for losing the best actor in a comedy series category, saying " there's always next year, well, except for Ray Romano". well deserved for everybody loves raymond...10 years! sa last season pa nila nakuha. sweet success!
and my best dressed list...

Alyson Hannigan

Eva Longoria

Marcia Cross

Debra Messing

Mischa Barton
could not help myself but read and watch tsismis!
the other day, Britney gave birth to Sean Presley Federline. According to EXTRA, her room was $20,000 a night, and she hired a personal chef. they also rented 10 other rooms for their family and friends. well, she can afford it!
tommorow will be Oprah's season premiere with Jennifer Aniston as her guest, i think it will be a week-long season premiere, with a lot of hollywood stars as her guests this week. and i'm guessing they changed their studio design. i couldnt wait to watch it.
was browing the internet when....
it will be shown on December 2005, and im just so happy i'll be home by that time.salamat.
but it will be a long wait, kasi its on May 17,2006 pa daw in Manila.
oh well, and Goblet of Fire naman on November.
so many movies to watch out for. im excited.
lastly, i took this friday afternoon.
my tita has my favorite flower and pink,yellow,and white roses in their garden. beautiful.
Saturday, September 17, 2005
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
was watching the season premiere of Gilmore Girls, when i got to watch the commercial of the new iPod... the nano iPod, which i believe is as light as a paper. whew!
and while reading my Nigella Lawson's book, i wonder what if i did take up culinary arts? hmmm
but hey, i still have time. i can take up culinary arts one day...i will
and i am currently in love with this songs...
And I
Know that he wont break my heart
And I
Know that we wont ever part
Its time, time for us to settle down
And I
Wanna be with him forever
I love you
And all of the things that you do
Oh baby please
I need you (I need you)
So believe me (I do)I do (oOoOOo)
Cause I love you (I love you)
And every lil thing baby (you do)
No no OoO whooOooa OooOo
They don't know how I feel
Cause I know this is real
and this..even though i couldn't relate to this song, i just love gwen
And after all the obstaclesI
t's good to see you now with someone else
And it's such a miracle that you and me are still good friends
After all that we've been throughI know we're cool
have a good one everyone!
Friday, September 09, 2005
i was crying the whole time when i watched Oprah's special on the Katrina victims.
i am no American, but i felt their pain.
i felt humanitty.
i remember Oprah saying, " you can smell death"
i watched as Julia Roberts, hugged and tried to comfort the refugees. and how a simple hug can make a difference.
and at these times, we owe it to our lives to help.
Thursday, September 08, 2005
I am no relationship expert, but I do know what I have learned, and I think I have learned quite a few.
When relationships ends…
Some makes you obsessive.
Some makes you cry at three in the morning, 4 days after the break up.
Some makes you don’t eat your favorite sandwich, just because it’s his favorite too.
Some unleashes the bad side of you.
Some makes you make every song, your song.
Some makes you hate every couple you see.
And it could go on and on.
It takes time before you realize it’s not the end of the world. And there are more important things to be done.
I have been in those relationships; I have been through sad, hurtful break-ups. And I think that's why, a lot of us, have that post relationship im-so-scared-of-getting-hurt-again syndrome.
But looking back, I think I never had that.
I am impulsive most of the time when it comes to matters of the heart.
Because I have always thought that you can never make precautionary measures,
That’s why; I am so baffled, at why I am so scared now?
I am so scared, I cannot even admit to myself, that yes we are happy, I am very happy, and yes, it is possible to be this happy and at the same time have the most un-perfect relationship.
I am so scared to label our relationship, to label us. To label that this relationship is working out the way it should be and I could see a bit of the future.
I am so afraid to use the word might. Or even hope, because it feels like I’m pre-empting the future. I guess it’s because I have so much belief with fate. So much faith, that I am willing to deprive myself of the happiness the stability of our relationship gives. Just so I won’t be too assured, and later on suffer from the possibility that this might not still be it. Cause is there anyone, in a relationship right now, that wouldn’t want this to be it? And I hate that, that I am so careful about feeling that bliss. That feeling, which who knows I won’t be able to feel again, in this lifetime, with the same person or not.
I guess this one is just so important to me, I don’t want to gamble. I don’t want to take chances, and that I am so careful, that even if I know we are working hard for this relationship to be at its best happy state, I don’t really want to plan ahead. Even if Oprah says we have a good thing going on. It’s best if we take it one day at a time. Be patient and wait.
There’s no doubt that I have a great man with me. Journeying with me, making the most out of what we have and what have we have been through. He is doing his part at his best. He has been with me during the happiest and lowest points of my life, has been understanding and supportive, and most importantly, loves the best and the ugliest parts of me.
I am not scared of getting hurt. I am scared that I might give too much pressure in this relationship, the minute I say, this is it, and it will be doomed. I am so scared, that I will do something that will make this relationship not to be it. But will my being so careful help to prevent anything that may cause the relationship? I don’t think so. That’s why it’s so scary. Because, in the end, it may be not just about the two of you, but what was meant to be.
How does one know if the relationship they are in now is it? They say, you just know. In the middle of all this, I possibly know the answer. And I’m just so chicken to admit it and say it out loud.
What I do know now is what to answer when one day somebody would ask me, what makes Jog special? Jog is special because, he has taught me to know my battles, love with courage and unconditionally. And if only for that, I should worry no more.
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
all day yesterday, i was juts reading on allure, the mags sent to me by tita mai.(thanks!)
it wanted me to shop till i drop..sobra.thats how i spent labor day, ended it by watching laguna beach..hay..tinadyer
and here's my new crush...
james blake.
he won against nadal (not sure or was it noval), it was a sweet victory,coz he had been through a lot last year. he had a stroke, then his dad died of cancer. who could have thought that after a stroke, he could play again. tapos he won pa. god bless him.
i was chatting with jeline this morning, and she was asking me how jog and i are doing. considering we are miles apart.long distance eh. told her, we're good, its not perfect but we're happy.
but with the advantages of technology we are just windows away..
and another one where jog makes his best actor performance
thanks louise!
Sunday, September 04, 2005
i have a blog crush..if there is such a thing.
i was blog hopping when i've come upon his blog.
nothing serious. just a crush.
he actually dropped by this blog once and left a message.
i think he's a great guy, artistic, and from what i've read he's a geek.
and he has a great gf. i should know, cause i read their blogs.(ah!clue!)
that's ok, i don't have plans.
even if he doesnt have someone,i am with someone.
so there, i was just crazy to realize, that yeah, i can consider him like ashton kutcher and jericho rosales. cause i'm totally crushing on this guy. hahaha
lemme know
hi everyone! i have been checking my stats, and it seems, i get visitors. so i just hope, you'd leave a post, or you can leave a message on my tag board. i'd like to know who you are...and i hope you wouldn't mind. and if you have also your web blog, you can leave the add so i could check it out as well. thanks!
Saturday, September 03, 2005
I finally finished book 6, and i baked some bread pudding just to get my mind off it.
Since book 4, JK Rowling havent written a happy ending Harry Potter, which is just so depressing. I might be overreacting, but hey, i havent cried like this since book 3 when harry met sirius. After reading book 6, i kept crying from chapter seven to thirty. I wouldnt want to spoil those who are planning to read the book, or those who are finishing it, so i wouldnt want to say anything beyond, It's a sad sad book. Although i liked how fast paced the book was, compared to the past books. And there were also things in book 6 that made me smile and lifted my heart, to which i could only refer as the love teams JK created.hahaha. And i'm not looking forward to book 7, but i'll read it still,just to know what happens, but if u ask me, i'm not that excited and giddy anymore. bwiset!
so there, i think i need to start reading the book jog gave me to help me move on. hope tommorow i will not remember anything about that book!
Friday, September 02, 2005
haha! wala lang, that title just came to me, as i logged on here..
still not finished on the book, but i know i will be done soon.
been helping my tita to find a name for their baby girl. but i'm kinda holding back some names, thats because those names will be the future names of my kids. hehe. if ever i'll be having children. names with s, its because i think i have lots of them,this early ha, but i want to have kids when I'm thirty na...so there, and i want not just one name for a kid, but a maximum of 4. hahaha! kawawang bata...everyone's writing number one on their paper, but he/she will still be on her second name.i could just imagine! crazy huh?
we also bought dresses and cutesy stuff for the baby. grabe, i think i know a lot about babies more than ever! grabe, the things i learn, like breast feeding them every two hours, the things you should eat and not eat--ampalaya causes contraction, etc. hay! and my tita was telling me about her labor, and epidural! grabe! the things we women go through. they were also telling me, that when its my time, when i have baby, i should rather choose c-section, or if i'd prefer the other way around, better make sure they will give me the epidural immediately. hahaha
but before i worry about all that, i'd probably worry about getting a job first, when we get back to manila.
Thursday, September 01, 2005
i cant remember where i got that line..it must have been from a movie..
oh well, i have been debating on updating this blog..there is nothing i could write about, that would interest you nor me.
well,yeah, i got another second hand book, Trading Up, and my most recent and one of my proudest purchases, NIGELLA LAWSON'S Nigella Bites, that i got for 15$. i'm so lucky to have that book,its not second Pegasus books in Berkeley is just on SALE! ha!
all in all i've been happy on all of my book purchases!
i have also almost bought this cute halter top from a store called Papaya, but I had to be more practical.asus.nah! knowing me,i was just converting and converting.hahaha
what else? we got to bath and body works,i was planning to hoard on my fav scent,but luck was not on my side. so i just settled to my second bests.
and just now, i remebered where i got that line, from Van Wilder, Party Liason!hahaha
so there, hope everyone's having a greet week..so far so good huh?
and btw, Book 6, for me is the fastest pacing book JK Rowling has ever written.