So before the highlights of my day would be watching Martha Stewart, Oprah, sometimes Extra and Entertainment Tonight, Sex and the City, CSI, Laguna Beach and Gilmore Girls. But since monday, I have given up Martha Stewart for Tristan.
I know it's just starting tomorrow, but I am very excited. You can call me baduy and all, but I'm really gonna be a devotee to Panday. And you should hear my cousin Nate say Panday with an accent!
And I'm having LSS on the theme song! hahaha! I'm gonna look for the lyrics..
Next week will be season finale of Laguna Beach. I'm happy I will be able to watch the finale, but at the same time I feel bad about it ending so soon. I was kinda hoping it would end before I leave, but next week is too soon. *sigh*
I wish I could still watch this much TV when I get back.
Doctor Love
Lately, I have been the confidante of my friends with matters of the heart. I am not complaining, but I think I should start charging for session fees. hehehe
I don't mind listening to their stories, to their complains and their worries. What I love about this, is the exchange of thoughts and experiences. I like how it makes you think about your relationship as well. It also makes you thankful of all the experiences you had and the choices that you have made.
Today nga pala, I was able to catch Pharell perform on TRL. Kanye was also there, and so was Usher! Glad I woke up early.
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