Everybody who knows me, knows that I LOVE magazines! My earliest collection were Teen Beat and BOP! hahaha I don't see those anymore! You would see my room plastered with Brad Renfro's Posters, Jonathan Jackson posters in my cabinet, and all the teeny boppers you could imagine! (no offense)
I could say I got a little mature when I got hold of my first YM magazine and Seventeen. For a time, I preferred YM over Seventeen. From 1997-1999 I was buying every issue. Every month I was spending almost 200 hundred pesos for just that. When we went to the US, I bought every single teen mag I could. I remembered I bought one YM, one Teen Magazine and Two Teen People. You could imagine all the money (my parents) I disbursed in buying those "imported" mags. I only stopped when Candy came out, then finally Seventeen Philippines.
My mom even got me a subscription to Seventeen and Candy since I was buying every month, and it was more practical and a little less cheaper to have subscribed.
I eventually had to give up Candy coz I couldn't anymore relate to some of their articles. But then, I liked one issue, then got hooked and bought it every month again.
And I have this obsession of making sure it doesn't get any creases. That's why if you see my stock of magazines, you will still see it in very good condition. Everyone who borrows my magazines knows that rule, to be careful in flipping the pages.
My dad's been bugging me to get rid of all the other magazines. But I can't part ways with them. Not my magazines.
So anyone with all this obsession would be the happiest if one of her favorite magazines features her as their Blogger of the Month!

So please share my joy and get a copy!
I almost forgot, thanks to Huael who left a message in the tag board.
The only thing that is not nice about this experience is I couldn't get a copy myself. I couldn't experience the thrill of going to the store and look for the magazine, open it, and find the page where this blog is featured. But I'm coming home before this month ends, so I hope I could still do that.
Anyways, it's not like an article I made was published.
But hey, I think it could be considered something like that. And this is my moment! hahaha
So get yourself a copy, and could you tell me which entry did they include.
Thanks Chinggay!
ei! can I link you up?
thanks kismeheart!
u can link me up demise!
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