Friday, October 14, 2005

it's just my thing

i don't know if i should consider myself OC, because if you see our room ( i share it with my sister), it's not squeky clean, and unorganized. but when it ocmes to my magazines, notebooks, books, it should not have any creases or i cannot sleep thinking why i let it happen.

i also keep a list on everything. things i need to buy, things i like to buy, things i should have, books i have, books i've read,shoes i have,life goals, and the list go on.

last night, i had this bad dream about my shoes, shoes i left home. one of my favorite shoes was torn and can never be worn daw. it was a nightmare! so the next day, i emailed my sister to check, and if she could put it in my cabinet, cause i remember i did not put them in their boxes. so i hope my shoes are doin fine.

i make my own bookmark. i usally make them out of my magazine subscription card, and i don't make the usual size. i usually like it rectangular shape.

i go all the trouble to do all these things, i know!
but as simple as it all may sound, whenever i am able to do these, it makes me happy.

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