I'm trying to enjoy just being home again, not forgetting about finding a job. I'm also "busy" planning Porli's debut.yey! so, there, but I miss my wi-fi connection.
So the things/people/food/places that I've missed, I went/saw/ate them in the past week.
I went to Makati again after what seems like forever.*check*
Jog, my sister and I saw Harry Potter 4 *check* last friday, It was not a disappointment for me. Finally, a justice for a good book. Coz finally I've realized why Harry Potter movies are sometimes what we've not read in the book, or how sometimes we feel like something's missing. It's because, I think, the people who made HP the movie, still wants the non-readers to understand the movie even if they have not read the book. So, let's give them a break. But I think the casting directors are the ones who have a problem. Because Cho Chang's not as pretty as the book described her, so is Fleur. But Hermione was breath taking.
Last friday also saw some of our good friends, Mira, Bot and Don. We we're like 5 hours late bec of Harry Potter. Sorry Adine!

moi, mira, bot and don's cellphone

our (mira,adine and I) boys
It was my first night out, after so many months. Was not used to vodka sprite anymore.hehe
This week will be busy with taking out balikbayan friends, attend Ninna's Christening, and planning of Porli's debut.
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