Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Life is too short to be…

The events of the past week made me reflect on how I am living my life. How I make decisions and just life in general.

It made me realize that life is too short to be angry all the time, to have baggage’s, to worry all the time, and later on have regrets.

I was such a worrywart about work and career, I was whining (yah, I admit that) about how it sucks but I never really have been doing my part. It was all about how this job is not for me and how it’s not really a real job, when in fact I should be thankful I have a job when there are thousands who are job less and would are looking for one as I whine. I still think I could do better, and find a more suitable work for me, but I guess I still have time to find another one in due time.

I was so worried about the future that I forget about living. Living for each day that it comes. I forgot about enjoying.

Jeline’s text was timely because it says:

A interview with God:

Man: What surprises you most about humankind?
God: That they get bored with childhood, they rush to grow up and then long to be children again… That they lose their health to make money, and then lose their money to restore their health… That by thinking anxiously about the future, they forget the present such that they live in either the present or the future… That they live as if they never die and thou they had never lived.

I’ve been praying for answers and now I know why and I understand. That’s what my dad has been telling me…Live by the day. Because you cannot redo the past, you only live once and you don’t know what will happen next. So for the next few days I must remember what I wrote here and try to relax and enjoy the ride.


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