Saturday, July 02, 2005


i cannot believe that i'm leaving tommorow. i haven't packed and i cannot say i'm ready. it's been an emotional circus for me this week, and i feel there are still more dramas ahead.

i was surprised that SKYCABLE changed their channel listings. ang layo na ng STAR WORLD and HBO. ETC din. Channel 48 na Star World. well, im just glad i won't be adjusting to that till i get back.

i also noticed changes in Friendster ha. when you look at other people's profiles. I'm sorrounded by changes. i hope its all good.

this might be the last entry i'll be writing before i leave. so, goodluck to me. and take crae everyone!

JENICHOY: if you get to read this before my text, keep me posted! i'll miss you!
JOG: i'll see you soon!
BITCH: thanks for texting, i will still read your blog! tc!

and to everyone who wishes me well, and wishes for my safe arrival at SFO... THANKS!!!!

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