Sunday, March 26, 2006

belated happy birthday to me

I cannot believe I’ve not been able to write, when in fact my work doesn’t require too much of my time, petiks nga eh.

Anyways, I celebrated my __th birthday last week. I just had dinner with my family, and jog. All of my friends greeted me thru sms, and that had been enough for me. Jog actually surprised me with breakfast, which he personally made, except for the pineapple juice which came from Mini Stop. And later that night, he gave me two red roses with a card which was for me the icing on the cake.

I’m actually getting bored with my job, to be honest. I’m not saying this because it’s a boring job, but it’s just that I feel I don’t get to be creative with that work. I cannot express myself. So after work, when I get home, I’m usually with a book. I read, I make an effort to read to take my mind out of the day that it had been and to stimulate all that is left of my brain.

All that I look forward to everyday is the thrill of dressing up. Sorry! I know its shallow for me to say that, but really that’s what just keeps me get up every morning.

And the thought of pay day, of course.

Speaking of dressing up, Mom bought me two new shoes, as she pities her daughter wearing the same shoes everyday. I actually wanted to buy it myself, during the midnight sale at Glorietta, but she immediately said it was her treat. So who am I to decline her offer?

So that has been my life over the past week.

The only thing I wish to accomplish is to lose some weight. I know I’ve done it before, and I know I can do it, only if I really put my mind and appetite into it, but I was thinking of not only eating right, but also do something healthier, like exercising, or even just walking twice a week to begin with. So wish me luck!

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Rants and Raves

Rustom's choice

I personally feel that Rustom does not owe anyone an explanation.
He does not need to explain his choice to be accepted, I actually think that more than accepting, we should be respectful of that decision.

I admire his courage not only because he admitted this on national TV, but because by disclosing his choice he freed himself from his past, his confusion, and his heartaches. And I think what he needs more than the acceptance of other people is his acceptance for himself.

His revelation made my beliefs on parenting only stronger. Parents should never underestimate a child’s mind and behavior, and you will never know which instances stays with them as they grow old.


I’ve been reading her blog for the longest time, but I never thought that that’s how she is. I never judged her though her blog, but somehow when you read blogs of other people, you somehow feel you know that person. I never thought she could be as cowboy and simple as how she is on PBB. It only makes me admire her more. Lotsa luck!

DA VINCI Preview

Saw the preview, and we’re so excited!

Memoirs of a Geisha

Finally Jog and I were able to watch Memoirs and Brokeback.

Memoirs was everything I hoped it would be. The screenplay was beautifully executed. The actors gave justice to their roles. The only thing that almost ruined the movie was the woman seated behind us who kept explaining to her companion everything that was happening on the screen. She was like a human subtitle! Jog was really losing his patience, and I really wanted him to enjoy the movie because since I’ve read the book I kept telling him how good the story was. So when we heard her again, we stood up and went to the other side, good thing there were vacant seats. Bwiset!

Brokeback Mountain

I liked it. At first it was dragging, the sheep and all that blah. Jog and I we’re actually happy we only watched this on DVD. It was not a super gay movie. You could actually disregard the fact that the two main characters were gay and it was about their love story. That their love for each other was just like any of us. I loved the fact that it was straightforward, what I didn’t like was Heath’s accent; it was so hard to understand. And I must admit that even if I say I accept gay relationship, their kissing scene disturbed me.

And Anne Hathaway was whoa!